This is the last week of insightful gifts and we have chosen a few images,captured in our travels, as the impetus for a more detailed look at design impact. The choices we make for operational fixtures, furniture and equipment like benches, chairs, washroom doors, doorknobs, lighting, flooring, refuse receptacles, etc. may seem inconsequential yet can add that little extra touch of humour, beauty, and concern. Ensure that as many of these supportive “amenities” connect with and reinforce the key “reason for being” messages of your site.
Ultimately what you convey to the visitor is: we care about you. We chose items to make your visit special and to surprise you in a comforting way. We have added elements to raise the bar on enjoyment.
The door handle that allows you entry into a rose garden resembles a rose flower.
Benches have the potential to be evocative about their surroundings.